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Which do you like best among these fashionable school buildings?

1. The German School in Madrid

school building

The new building in northern Madrid replaces its predecessor building in the city centre. With its special educational program and evening theatre performances and concerts, the German School Madrid is an important site for cultural exchange.

The external view of the architecture.

In this large complex, the school’s diverse areas of use are legible as clearly defined units. The individual buildings – the kindergarten, the primary school and the secondary school – each frame with an inner courtyard. All patios open up to the surrounding landscape and a vista of the snow-covered mountains. All children meet in the foyer courtyards before dispersing in their individual school buildings. Here the sculptural strength of the polygonal skylights creates a captivating play of light, providing the pupils with valuable shade.

model of school building

The model shows each building has its own courtyard.

shades of skylight

Fore yard at the entrance with shades created by the skylights.

different functional building

Reflecting both the requirements of the architectural brief and the topography of the site, the buildings develop differentiated spatial situations, yet all components unite into an organic ensemble with strong sculptural presence. The common areas – the “foyer courtyards”, the cafeteria, a concert hall/ auditorium with 750 seats and the sports hall – connect the individual school buildings.

2. The Trivaux-Gaienne School in France

school building

The campus site is comprised of two main units: the sports complex, under a vast and unique metal envelope; and the school complex, protected by a landscaped plaza, and which is composed of four schools and their shared areas – lunchroom, recreation areas, a cultural center, and a multi-purpose hall with a separate entrance.

school building

Main bearings on this large site consist of volumes cut through this vast ensemble, emerging from the large green cover, creating occasional double height areas, areas of respiration, and openings toward the sky while also signaling the particular elements of the program located on the first floor. The site as a whole expresses the qualities of a program that organizes shared spaces and shared uses. 

outline of the campus

The soft and supple outline of the campus creates a new and calm landscape open to its environment. 

Interior view of schools.

Interior view of schools.

bright sunlight

Double height areas with bright sunlight

3. “Green School”

green school

The limit of the school is the building itself, creating a vacuum inside, bounded to serve as a playground for children, isolation from the madding crowd. The school generate tensions, breaks the monotony and gives it expression, completely wrapped in a green carpet of artificial turf, creating a changing, distinctive and rich shape. From exterior to interior spaces of games set in range of different treatments as the most private public by a way of filters. The playground is the child's inner world, structured through the different “fingers”, as a step to generate various entrances and shade areas, understood as a continuation of the school itself.

green school

This work supports our human architectural philosophy of build over the fact that in the experience of architecture, beyond “the wise play of sloping-green-volumes under the light”, you hear the echo of children playing. And that echo feeds and gratified us, feeling once again that through the architecture we create healthy environments for life.

4. A vertical school without fixed classrooms

vertical school

The new education center for VUC Syd in Haderslev, Denmark, has no traditional classrooms. Instead, it appears as a vibrant and visually engaging educational environment, in which group areas, presentation spaces, dialogue cubicles and quiet zones allow for a more diverse approach to education.

vertical school

The education center's terraces are a key element in its expression. In a movement, which starts right down at ground level and ends up on the top floor, the terraces twine around the building, creating a vertical schoolyard and uniting indoors and outdoors in a single gesture. Therefore, the education center has no permanent classrooms. Instead, it is has been designed as a vibrant and visually engaging educational environment, united by the atrium and the staggered staircase at the heart of the building.

modern school building

Modern IT has been given high priority in the design and layout of the education center. For example, every student is issued with his/her own iPad or MacBook, while 165 digital touch screens in different sizes have been integrated as a natural component of the educational environment. Contact to the city has also been given high priority. This finds expression in the public ground floor, which encompasses the public space into the education center and includes a culture café and lecture theatre, which provides space for larger-scale events.

5. Simple and environmentally friendly school in Sri Lanka

light steel school

This school is a light steel building, all the steel production is completed in factory. It can be directly installed after been transported to the location. It’s eco-friendly and no pollution created. At the same time, it has excellent performance in earthquake resistance. It’s the best house choice for people who live in earthquake zone as it can greatly reduce the loss of personnel and property in the event of a disaster.

Rutang ZHANG

I am Rutang Zhang, a seasoned expert in the field of integrated housing with a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years. I have had the privilege of contributing to the success of numerous projects in more than 120 countries and regions. My expertise lies in navigating the intricacies of the integrated housing industry, and I am proud to have played a significant role in delivering successful outcomes across diverse global contexts. From conceptualization to execution, my commitment to excellence has been a driving force in achieving results that meet the unique requirements of each project.
 Tel: +86 180 5752 0109
 Email: cs@putianhouse.com

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