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The Ultimate Guide about Prefab Hotel-PTH

What is Prefab Hotel?

The so-called prefab hotel is a new building form which takes prefabricated components as the core, produces prefabricated components and accessories in the factory according to the standard, transports them to the construction site and installs them by mechanical splicing.

The so-called prefab hotel

The Feature of Prefab Hotel

It can realize design standardization, production factory, construction assembly, decoration integration and process informatization, which is an important direction of transformation and upgrading of the construction industry at present.

To put it simply, unlike traditional construction methods, there is no need to build walls one brick at a time, and there are no building materials such as yellow sand bricks, wood squares, formwork and steel bars stacked on the ground, let alone vehicles carrying sand and gravel in and out.

Instead, all steel columns, steel beams and oblique braces are prefabricated in the factory according to the design drawings, and then assembled and installed in the form of welding and high-strength bolts after being transported to the site.

Building a house like this is like hitting a huge building block.

The feature of prefab hotel

The Advantages of Prefab Hotel

There is no doubt about the advantages of prefabricated architecture, whether it is cycle, quality or environment, is an industry revolution.

Short Construction Period

Can shorten the construction period from 4 months to 1 month, which for the hotel accommodation industry, the return on investment cycle is greatly shortened.

The higher the prefabrication rate of the prefabricated building is, the more the construction period is shortened, and the factory can work synchronously with the site and assist the operation. In addition, it is not easily affected by the weather and climate.

Less Environmental Pollution

The prefabricated building will first be processed in the prefabricated plant, and the on-site installation reduces the stacking of construction waste and the processing of materials, and reduces the construction noise pollution and dust pollution on the site.

Save Labor

The prefabricated building greatly reduces the cost of manual work on the site, because the steel bars do not need to be tied up by on-site workers, and are transported after being done on a unified scale.

Coupled with the shortening of the construction period, the overall labor cost will be reduced.

Low Resource Consumption

According to public data, every part of a house with prefabricated construction is produced on the assembly line in strict accordance with the requirements, with a material loss rate of less than 3%, which can reduce construction waste by more than 80%, save water by 60%, save wood by 80%, and reduce energy consumption by 70%.

In addition, it can be recycled. After the demolition of traditional buildings, it is a construction waste, while the reuse of prefabricated buildings can reach 75%. It is easy to disassemble and flexible to move.

Flexible and Environmentally Friendly

Container building foundation construction is relatively flexible, for some semi-developed or undeveloped destinations, or some development destinations with better ecological environment, the basic construction is relatively simple and advanced, and the damage to the environment is very small.

Container building foundation construction

The Chinese Government Vigorously Promotes the Preferential Policy of Prefab Hotel.

It is understood that the China central government has made every effort to promote prefabricated buildings, issued a number of policies, formulated industry standards, set construction targets, and divided the country into three categories: "key promotion, active promotion, and encouragement." by 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings will reach 20%, 15% and 10% respectively.

Local governments have made every effort to follow up. 31 provinces have issued prefabricated building development plans, of which 26 provinces have introduced corresponding subsidy policies. It is estimated that the size of the prefabricated construction market will reach 700 billion yuan by 2020 and 1.5 trillion yuan by 2025.

prefabricated building

What's The Cost of Prefab Hotel?

The investment for a guest room in an economical hotel is about 100000 yuan, and the investment for a single room converted by containers is more than 100000 yuan. although the cost sounds a little higher, the construction cycle of Container Hotel is short, excluding infrastructure. Generally speaking, the decoration of the guest room of an economical hotel takes at least 4 months, while the interior building materials of Container Hotel rooms are all integrated and customized, which are embedded into the room like 'building blocks'. Therefore, the decoration cycle only takes one month.

Rutang ZHANG

I am Rutang Zhang, a seasoned expert in the field of integrated housing with a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years. I have had the privilege of contributing to the success of numerous projects in more than 120 countries and regions. My expertise lies in navigating the intricacies of the integrated housing industry, and I am proud to have played a significant role in delivering successful outcomes across diverse global contexts. From conceptualization to execution, my commitment to excellence has been a driving force in achieving results that meet the unique requirements of each project.
 Tel: +86 180 5752 0109
 Email: cs@putianhouse.com

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